What Is Eating with Dental Implants Like?

By: Dr. Jacob Sheppard


Eating with dental implants is similar to eating with natural teeth in many ways. The implant is secured in the jawbone so it can withstand normal biting and chewing. This allows people to enjoy a wide variety of foods without worrying about their teeth shifting or becoming loose.

At Sycamore Family Dentistry, we understand you may have questions about this cutting-edge dental restoration. How long do dental implants last, and what foods should you avoid after a dental implant procedure? Call now to learn about your options for missing teeth or book an appointment in Midlothian, VA. Dr. Jacob Sheppard has helped countless patients eat, speak, and smile with confidence again.

How long do dental implants last?

First, how long do dental implants last? Unlike removable dentures, which should be replaced every so often, dental implants can last a lifetime if you maintain your oral health. This is because the implant post is made of highly durable titanium that is resistant to decay and wear. Plus, the restoration that sits on top of the implant is made to be as strong as your natural teeth, if not stronger.

Of course, patients should book regular examinations and cleanings at Sycamore Family Dentistry to ensure their implants are in good condition and working properly. Dr. Sheppard can check for signs of wear or damage and recommend treatment if necessary.

What to avoid after a dental implant procedure

While dental implants are sturdy, some foods may pose a risk to the implant or restoration. For example, hard and sticky foods such as hard candies, nuts, and taffy put excess pressure on the area and can cause the implant to become loose or damaged. It's also important to avoid biting down on hard objects or using your teeth as tools. These actions may cause the implant to fail.

Can you eat your favorite foods with dental implants?

You should have no problem enjoying your favorite foods with dental implants. In fact, many patients in Midlothian, VA, find that they can eat a wider variety of meals with implants compared to dentures, which come with dietary restrictions.

However, we should note that during the recovery process, you may need to stick to softer foods for a short period of time until the implant integrates into the jawbone. Dr. Sheppard can provide specific instructions on what types of foods you can have during this time.

What eating feels like with dental implants

Eating with dental implants can feel very normal. You may not even notice a difference between eating with your natural teeth and eating with implants. In some cases, patients experience some discomfort or sensitivity when biting down on hard foods. This should subside as the area heals and you become accustomed to using the new implant. If discomfort persists, contact Sycamore Family Dentistry right away for an oral health evaluation.

Ask about your options for missing teeth

If you are missing one or more teeth, a dental implant procedure may restore your smile and overall oral health. Call Sycamore Family Dentistry in Midlothian, VA to see why so many patients trust Dr. Jacob Sheppard to help them through the process. We look forward to helping you eat, speak, and smile with confidence again. Book a consultation today.

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